TREHIIT - Time-restricted eating and high-intensity interval training with digital follow-up

Time-restricted eating (consuming all energy within a limited time-window each day) and high-intensity interval training are two strategies to improve metabolic health.

Time-restricted eating +high-intensity interval training

Our recent research has shown that time-restricted eating (TRE) with high-intensity interval training (HIIT)can rapidly induce several health benefits and decrease metabolic disease risk in women with overweight/obesity. Graphical abstract on the left summairzes our research. Reproductive-aged women with obesity and insulin resistance are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and TRE is a popular dietary strategy that emphasizes the timing of meals in alignment with diurnal circadian rhythms.

We further investigated whether people could get the same benefits from time-restricted eating combined with high-intensity interval training even without close follow-up.

We completed recruitment of participants in the study and are currently analyzing the data. Below was a brief outline of our study

Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups::

  • Intervention group: 7 weeks of time-restricted eating (food intake is limited to a maximum of 10 hours per day) and 3 interval sessions per week. The participants received a diet and exercise guidance session, and then follow-up once a week during the entire intervention period.
  • Control group*: No intervention
  • The study period lasted a total of approx. 9 weeks.

    The participants had their body composition, physical fitness, and blood pressure measured, and blood samples were taken to measure blood sugar and lipids.

    The study is carried out at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU and has been approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics.

    *Those allocated to the control group will be offered the same diet and exercise program and the same follow-up as the intervention group, after the study period is completed.

Criteria for participation:

  • Men and women
  • Age: 18-50 years
  • BMI of 27 kg/m² or more
  • A habitual time window for when you eat that is 12 hours or more daily
  • Able to walk on a treadmill or ride a bike for at least 60 minutes
  • Does not perform high-intensity interval training more than once a week.
  • Understands oral and written Norwegian or English.

Wish to know more?

Please contact Kamilla La Haganes for more information.

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This project is funded by:

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Helse Midt-Norge (Samarbeidsorganet)